I specialize in software security and build models to reason about new cyber attacks and defenses across the software stack and hardware boundaries. My work is at the intersection of program analysis, formal methods and machine learning with applications to reverse engineering and vulnerability discovery and a focus on binary code and firmware. My research interests also include intrusion detection, usable security and privacy-preserving systems.
Prospective stutdents
I am looking for students interested in systems security, and in particular capture the flag (CTF) competitions, binary program analysis and reverse engineering from undergraduate to PhD/postdoc levels. If you have interest and skills in these topics (or other relevant topics, e.g., source-code analysis, LLVM etc.), please contact me by email at the address listed below with the keyword "4c65742773206861636b21" in the subject line.
Advice for prospective students
I receive a lot of emails (and a lot of unsolicited ones too). I will ignore mass emails sent to all faculy members.
In order to get my attention, please make sure that you contact me w.r.t. a relevant research topic that fits within the scope of our group's research.
I also encourage prospective students to think about a project of interest to them that would match our group's topics.
Candidates with a strong technical background and awareness of the existing literature are definitely encouraged to reach out! :)