"Information Security War Room" at USENIX Security
Sergey Bratus and his collaborator Felix Lindner give an invited talk at the USENIX Security Conference
[more]Sergey Bratus and his collaborator Felix Lindner give an invited talk at the USENIX Security Conference
[more]A study led by Professor Andrew Campbell, enabled by a specially engineered smartphone sensing app, has provided an unprecedented view of the student life on campus, revealing a number of interesting findings.
[more]In their recently published 2014 Yearbook, the International Medical Informatics Association named Prof Sean Smith's Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association paper one of the best papers of 2014.
[more]Our own Lorenzo Torresani has won the Google Faculty Research Award. Dr. Torresani aims to use deep learning (i.e., learning of deep networks) to discover compact representations of video that work well for classifying human pose dynamics.
[more]Three new faculty members are joining the Computer Science department: Emily Whiting, Wojciech Jarosz, and Qiang Liu. Emily is starting in the Fall of 2014, while Wojciech and Qiang will join us in the Fall of 2015.