M.S. in CS with Concentration in Digital Arts

The MS Degree in Computer Science with a Concentration in Digital Arts (CS/DA) is a new concentration within our two-year MS program in the Computer Science. The deadline for Fall 2024 admission is December 15, 2023.


Students in this concentration complete a mix of computer science courses, digital arts courses, and research/thesis. They experience a rigorous and focused computer science education, foundational courses in digital arts, and a deep dive into a research topic within the areas of visual computing and digital arts (e.g., computer graphics, HCI, digital fabrication, digital art and media, computer vision, VR, and AR). Students in the Masters of Science graduate program in Computer Science with a concentration in Digital Arts (CS/DA), by design, will come from a wide variety of backgrounds. All students will have successfully completed an undergraduate degree at a four-year college/university. All students must have completed the equivalent of Dartmouth's CS1 and CS10 courses, with a grade of B+ or better. Students are also expected to have majored or minored in at least one of the areas we consider a foundational area of visual computing and digital arts.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Computer Science
  • Digital Arts
  • Engineering
  • Studio Art/Design
  • Computer Animation/Modeling
  • Computational Photography
  • Physics or Mathematics
  • Architecture

The CS/DA program is divided into three areas: Technical Courses (general graduate level computer science courses); Digital Art Courses; and Research/Thesis Courses. At the end of the program, all students will write a thesis based on their research and then present and defend their work. For a complete list of requirements for graduation please see the ORC.

Dartmouth undergraduates are eligible to take the 4+1 MS in CS with a Concentration in Digital Arts.

Scholarships and Costs

Dartmouth College tuition for 2023-2024 is $21,484.66 per term. Merit-based tuition scholarships are available for those who qualify. Students also pay for the college health insurance plan, unless they have comparable insurance already. The insurance fee for 2023-2024 is $4,163. (detailed information on current fees is available here). Students are responsible for covering their living expenses.

Note: Once they have been admitted, international students must provide written certification of financial support for the MS program.

Admission Requirements

The required components of your application are:

  • The online application form
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation
  • A 100-line sample of code you have written in any language. Explain in one paragraph why you chose this code. Please do not include more than 100 lines.
  • Submit 3-5 samples of your creative work. These could be photos of your work, videos, or sound files. Include a link to your online portfolio, if you have one. Please specify what your contribution to the work is and why you chose it as an example.
  • All applicants should upload a scanned copy of their transcripts. Applicants should not send an official transcript to the Graduate Office unless they are admitted and accept our offer of Admission.
  • All applicants may self report TOEFL scores. However, official scores from ETS should be sent to our office for all applicants.
  • The $40 application fee
  • These items must reach us by December 15, 2023 in order for your application to receive full consideration.

OPTIONAL Application Materials

If you have anything else you think would help us get a feel for your work and your interests, please upload them. These could be writing samples, for examples, research papers, or an interactive application you made. Please be sure it is clear what your contribution to the work is.