Dartmouth Events

Human-Centered Immersive Graphics

Qi will present his research and vision in understanding our perceptual nature and further leveraging it in immersive, interactive, and physics-based scenarios,.

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Kemeny Hall 007
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

Abstract: Learning the human is the first step towards further simulated intelligence in virtual and augmented realities. One of the key challenges though is analytically and even differentiably modeling what/how we perceive in the eyes and brain. In this talk, I will present my research and vision in understanding our perceptual (especially visual) nature and further leveraging it in immersive, interactive, and physics-based scenarios. Specifically, I will discuss topics including how we model/simulate, visualize and navigate both virtual and physical realities, aim at the future generation VR/AR with comfort and natural experience.

Bio: Qi Sun is a research scientist at Adobe Research, San Jose. Previously, he received his Ph.D. from Stony Brook University, advised by Distinguished Professor Arie Kaufman. During the study, he interned at NVIDIA Research and Adobe Research. His research lies in computer graphics, VR/AR, visual optics and scientific visualization, and has been featured by major media such as BBC. He is the recipient of the IEEE VR 2019 best dissertation award.

For more information, contact:
Susan Cable

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.